Agreement of Tel Que

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Agreement of Tel Que: Understanding Its Significance in French Grammar

In French grammar, the agreement of “tel que” is a crucial concept that is often misunderstood or overlooked. It simply refers to the agreement of the adjective or pronoun that follows it with the gender and number of the noun that it refers to. When used correctly, it ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct and makes sense.

What is Tel Que?

Before diving into the agreement of “tel que,” let`s first understand what it means. “Tel que” is a French expression that translates to “such as” or “like.” It is often used to compare two things that are similar in some way. For example, “Elle est grande, tel que son père” which means “She is tall, like her father.”

The Significance of Agreement of Tel Que

The agreement of “tel que” is essential in maintaining the coherence and coherence of French sentences. When using “tel que,” it is important to ensure that the adjective or pronoun that follows it agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to. Failure to do so can lead to grammatical errors and confusion.

Here`s an example: “Il choisit des livres, tel que son amis.” This sentence is grammatically incorrect because “amis” is a masculine noun, and “tel que” should therefore be followed by an adjective or pronoun in the masculine form. The correct sentence should read, “Il choisit des livres, tel que son ami.”

Another example: “Je suis allée à la plage tel que les vacances d`été.” This sentence is also incorrect because “vacances” is a feminine noun, and the adjective or pronoun that follows “tel que” should reflect that. It should read, “Je suis allée à la plage tel que les vacances d`été.”


The agreement of “tel que” is a critical aspect of French grammar. It requires careful attention to ensure that the adjective or pronoun that follows it agrees in gender and number with the noun it refers to. When done correctly, it ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning clearly. By understanding and implementing the agreement of “tel que,” French learners can improve their writing and communication skills in the language.

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