Each employee at ALS is empowered and expected to demonstrate a pro-active attitude and approach towards ensuring that reasonable care is taken for one’s own health and safety, as well as that of our fellow employees, subcontractors, customers and visitors. We require individual accountability, and expect all employees to adhere to our safety standards, and actively participate in and support the advancement of our health and safety practices.
Safety is the responsibility of all employees, including top management. Everyone is responsible for achieving zero harm, resulting in a SAFE day, every day!
Recognising that our public reputation is one of our most important assets, ALS aims to be known and respected for its integrity and ethics by consistently acting, whether internally or externally, according to the highest ethical business standards. We recognise our obligations to all our stakeholders – particularly shareholders, clients, employees, business partners and the authorities. Maintaining the trust and confidence of all our stakeholders is the responsibility of every employee, director and contractor acting on our behalf.
ALS prohibits bribery and corruption in any form, whether direct or indirect, and is committed to the prevention of bribery and corruption through the implementation of its Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy.
ALS has developed this policy in order to facilitate the observance of all anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, regulations, and/or policies of the countries in which it operates, as well as all other jurisdictions where ALS conducts business.
Our shared values define what we stand for and determine our actions and behaviour at ALS. In simple terms, it is about ‘doing the right thing”. Our Ethics, Code of Conduct and Anti-Bribery and corruption policy is built on these values.